April 2016: Conversion Committee Commences its Work

The reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on of the air base is a mam­mo­th task the muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Fürs­ten­feld­bruck is faced with. The release of the site by the Ger­man Fede­ral Armed Forces is curr­ent­ly expec­ted for 2020. The con­ver­si­on of the air base is a uni­que task with long-term effects on the future deve­lo­p­ment of the town. It does, howe­ver, not only come with a gre­at inno­va­ti­ve poten­ti­al but also with poten­ti­al­ly high risks. The enti­re pro­cess is likely to span over a peri­od of 15 to 20 years. Nevert­hel­ess, it is decisi­ve to deve­lop con­cepts as ear­ly as now as a new liva­ble part of town for some 5,000 inha­bi­tants and 4,000 jobs is to be crea­ted at the for­mer mili­ta­ry site boos­ting the town, the dis­trict and the region.

In the first mee­ting of the con­ver­si­on com­mit­tee on 27th April, Ser­ge Schimpf­le, pro­ject lea­der of the con­ver­si­on, repor­ted on the cur­rent plan­ning status.

The com­mit­tee con­sis­ting of 14 mem­bers of the town coun­cil was chai­red by 3rd mayor Karin Geiß­ler on behalf of the cur­rent mayor Erich Raff.

The con­ver­si­on com­mit­tee is a decision-taking body with the pur­po­se of achie­ving an equa­liza­ti­on of tasks and taking some of the bur­den off the town coun­cil on the one hand and of acce­le­ra­ting poli­ti­cal decision-taking and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve pro­ces­ses on the other hand. The con­ver­si­on pres­ents its­elf to be an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry cross-sectional task that can only be dealt with if all admi­nis­tra­ti­ve levels col­la­bo­ra­te. Fur­ther to the pro­ject lea­der the­re is a pro­ject group sup­port­ing the lea­der in case of dif­fi­cult, far-reaching and com­plex decis­i­ons. Moreo­ver, inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry assign­ments are pro­ces­sed in six work groups which are divi­ded accor­ding to their the­ma­tic focus.

Ser­ge Schimpf­le explai­ned that stu­dies and expert opi­ni­ons were fun­ded by the Regio­nal Govern­ment of Upper Bava­ria under the spe­cial mili­ta­ry con­ver­si­on pro­gram as long as they were car­ri­ed out ste­adi­ly, reason­ab­ly and buil­ding on each other. This spe­cial pro­gram pro­vi­ding for an 80% fun­ding rate will end in 2016.

Some con­tract awards and expert opi­ni­ons with respect to the con­ver­si­on have been com­ple­ted alre­a­dy, e.g. the spe­ci­es con­ser­va­ti­on assess­ment stu­dy and the exten­ded urban heri­ta­ge stu­dy. Their results are to be pre­sen­ted in the next com­mit­tee mee­ting on 6th July.

The con­tract award for pro­ject sup­port agreed by the town coun­cil­ors was rever­sed and adjour­ned to a later date due to the cur­rent refu­gee issue and the non-guaranteed release dates.

In 2016, fur­ther expert opi­ni­ons, part of which invol­ve high cos­ts and which are of top prio­ri­ty due to their spe­cial fun­ding level (of 80%), are to be com­mis­sio­ned. Pur­su­ant to Pro­cu­re­ment Law they must all be put out to ten­der Europe-wide: a trans­port deve­lo­p­ment plan for the enti­re town, an expert opi­ni­on on the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of buil­dings (grey ener­gy), a fea­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy on the tech­ni­cal infra­struc­tu­re of roads and sup­p­ly and dis­po­sal lines as well as the ten­der for an urban plan­ning ide­as com­pe­ti­ti­on inclu­ding its guidance.

Expert opi­ni­ons on a frame­work agree­ment with respect to noi­se pro­tec­tion, a poten­ti­al struc­tu­ral ana­ly­sis of trade, a sports faci­li­ty con­cept, a sup­p­ly con­cept for renewable/regenerative ener­gies as well as a cul­tu­ral deve­lo­p­ment pro­gram are also plan­ned to be com­mis­sio­ned in 2016. They are, howe­ver, of les­ser importance becau­se they are less cost and time intensive.

Good news can be repor­ted on the real pro­per­ty issue: the muni­ci­pa­li­ty is gran­ted the opti­on to purcha­se part of the Som­mer­kel­ler­weg secu­ring its­elf the pro­per­ties within the limits of the town area requi­red for a foot and cycle path con­nec­ting Fürs­ten­feld­bruck and Mais­ach via the for­mer airfield.

A sepa­ra­te web­site on the con­ver­si­on is due to go online within the next weeks con­tai­ning the topics news, con­cepts, pro­cess and histo­ry. It will pro­vi­de a ste­ady and com­pre­hen­si­ve update on the latest and inte­res­t­ing deve­lo­p­ment of the con­ver­si­on to the public.