14th December 2016: Third Meeting of the Conversion Committee

Public resolutions

Agen­da item 2: Moti­on no. 74 – Acqui­si­ti­on of a shel­ter at the air base

Amen­ded reso­lu­ti­on:

The con­ver­si­on com­mit­tee has given the town coun­cil the fol­lo­wing instructions:

The moti­on has been ack­now­led­ged. The admi­nis­tra­ti­on is ins­truc­ted to decla­re the municipality’s inte­rest in the shel­ter to the com­pe­tent departments.

Thus, moti­on no. 74 is dee­med addressed.

Votes in favor: 14
Votes against: 1

Thus, the amen­ded reso­lu­ti­on was adopted.

Agen­da item 3: Moti­on no. 81 – Sports faci­li­ties at the air base

Amen­ded resolution:

The con­ver­si­on com­mit­tee has given the town coun­cil the fol­lo­wing instructions:

The admi­nis­tra­ti­on is ins­truc­ted to initia­te the stu­dies, cal­cu­la­ti­ons and coor­di­na­ti­on pro­ces­ses requi­red as per nos. 1 and 2 for an exter­nal stu­dy and to con­duct the neces­sa­ry talks with the com­pe­tent depart­ments as per nos. 3 and 5.

Votes in favor: 14
Votes against: 1

Thus, the amen­ded reso­lu­ti­on was adopted.